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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Why alien megastructure star is dimming

It was in the year 2015 summer, when the researchers found most fluctuation of light from the apart stars. It is about 1400 light years to where this incident is supposed to happen. Many of the researchers have thought of it as a alien made megastructure in front of the parent star. This blocks too much light as a reason only 25% of the light is observed on the earth. It is observed by the Kepler telescope. Before 2015 it was not a topic of major issue but after its observation this megastructure is supposed to have been made by the aliens. The parent star name is KIC 8462852, whose light is being blocked by the megastructure. On behalf of all this things its concept first came from the view that there might happen some mega or large event that captured all the energy of the stars giving rise to the megastructure. However since the star is nit emitting the infrared radiation so cant be said as a perfect star.
        According to the different theory the parent star is being surrounded by lots of the huge solar panel so as to absorb a huge amount of light and finally converting that energy to the usable form for the betterment of civilization. This structures are constructed in a perfect geometrical manner and this is known to be alien megastructure as it is supposed to be  constructed by alien. The researchers are not able to detect what is the actual thing behind the dimming of the star but have shown a graph in which the dimming rate is very high. Since this star is very far from the earth we need thousands of years to go to that place and research.
      However more details about this star is not available so we cannot count the actual reason behind this discovery. Whatever be the reason but now it suggests that we might not be the one of the living around this universe.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kepler telescope and k2 mission of NASA

Our universe is so large that we cannot imagine about it. In this huge universe there are infinite heavenly bodies that we cannot imagine. Also according to the researchers and scientists, they claimed to have communicate aliens or have received the SOS signal from them. Though they say but none knows till today. It is one of the most controversial subject but most of the researchers believed that there are the presence of some extra- terrestrial livings in other planets. With this hope of finding other planets and the presence of living organisms in the other planet. NASA on the year 7th march 2009 launched the Kepler telescope and it is launched far distances from the earth. It is launched at the special place to observe the 5 phases of the earth. It helps in the detection of planets that it observes when the planet revolves around the bigger heavenly planet like the earth does it to the sun.
       This mission of NASA to discover to discover far unknown distances and their special mission to research it for the future settlement of the human species is known as k2 mission of NASA. On behalf of all this thing it has discovered many of the planets that is similar to earth as well as which are hot as compared to the sun, some are very big as compared to the earth. It is launched at the heliocentric orbit of the earth space. The Kepler telescope is name after the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler.
     The latterly discovered planet was Kepler-22b. This planet was much more similar to the earth and now the researchers are searching for the possibility of life in this planet  but for this more research is required. It is about 600 light years away from us. It completes its one turn revolution around its orbit in about 300 days. It is said that the planet has water and some of the aquatics life may be present in that place. After this planet was discovered Kepler also found another planet which they name as KOI-2626 which ground is similar to the earth. This planet too has a source of water but it has too high temperature. The another planet Kepler 62f, this planet help us one of the most famous planet. This planet has all things that are possible for the survival. This planet is said to have the existence of aliens. This planet is under observation and is hope that this planet may be source for the future survival of the humans and livings of the earth.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Kuiper belt: Objects and some facts

It was back in the past year when Pluto was discarded from the solar system. The reason was that the researchers and astronomers found many of the same looking objects around it. It was very difficult to include billions of them into the solar system and was easy to discard Pluto from it. The icy objects beyond the Neptune planet was previously coined as Pluto but the whole belt of that objects are now collectively called as Kuiper object. The whole of this object forms a belt and thus known as kuiper belt. This belt are known to be the orbit of Neptune.
Since this term and the concept was first given by the dutch astronomer Gerard kuiper thus is then named after him. It is extended somewhat like 45 degree across the sky. The kuiper belt objects are mostly composed of volatile substances and gases. Some of this gases include methane, ammonia and water. It is regarded as the basis series for the three dwarf planets they are Pluto, makemake, haumea.
        On behalf of this thing it was first proved due to the visitation of far comets to the solar system but though it was not confirmed because our universe is infinite and they may come from any part of the universe. This was find out finally in the year 1992 when researchers observed a slow moving object that is heading further far away and thus it was concluded to be Kuiper belt. However all the theory of Kuiper didn't go well right about it. The scientist told many of the theories about the kuiper they have predicted that there are more than one hundred thousand objects on the belt of kuiper and all of them are of very heavy size but our bad fortune, we are only able to find out nearly one thousand kuiper objects by far. In the same manner another thing that the scientist predicted was this objects wouldn't last long and they got succeed in it. They just fuse and collide with each other giving a huge bulk of dust and by this collision they would have no more existence in the future. It is located at the 30-40 amu from the earth and sun.
        It contains many comets and contains previous icy objects which were formed at the time of the solar system so could be used to study about the estimated age of the solar system and that of the planets.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Unknown man in the dream- science behind it

We all dream on our sleep. Its natural and we see so many different things on our dream. Actually we dream the things that are actually suppressing onto our deep mind. According to a renown psychiatrist we dream the things which we cant express on our real life. It may be due to our social taboos, fear and many other both external and internal things. On behalf of talking this things what if a same person appears on about 2000 people dreams most of the time.
        This event happened in the year 2006 when a psychiatrist's friend visited him and told him that a man of middle age was been shown him everyday. At first he didn't matter a lot but when his friend continuously began to see that man in his dream than it became an issue. By the help of his friend psychiatrist drew a picture of that man that both of them had never seen in their real lives. They forgot to take out the picture from the desk. After some time another patient came and he was shocked to see that picture of that man and told him that he had previously seen that man into his dream. This incident became more and more famous and finally the psychiatrist sent that picture to all his psychiatrist friends. By that time more than 2000 people were there who claimed to have seen that man in their dream. Some of them shared that, that man helped them out whereas some of them told that that man had punished or assault them. This was the serious issue by that time finally this was transferred to the higher level of the state. From there this picture of the man got viral in the internet.
          The science behind the picture of the man is that the man is all the mixture of our emotions. This is the theory of the collective emotion representation. Also according to another theory it states that the man shows different face patterns when different face patterns were fused. This symbolizes that our mind is all of the emotions. In the same way some of the theory also suggests that the person belongs to a secret group of the website and from there he is controlling the mind of the person. Today millions of the person have stated that they have seen that man in the dream. In real life none knows if the person really exists or if its only in the dream.
       This is the science behind the man in the dream.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ebola symptoms detail explain 2017

Ebola also known by its scientific name EVOV is a very serious disease. This disease was first discovered in the year 1976 in the Sudan region and Congo region according to the census by WHO. This disease was latterly discovered or took its form in the year 2014 from west Africa then by took a serious form in most of the american and African countries. It is a very dangerous disease and about 950 people have lost their lives from this disease. This disease is caused by a virus from the family filoviridae and that have caused many severe disease but this disease is too serious. About 90% of the people under treatment has been died by the effect of the virus. In the very first beginning this disease was found in a person from the west Africa. It is said that this disease is transferred by the animals to the humans and non primitive animals like monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee. The first person has this disease due to attack of bat. Then it is transfer from one person to another person in a very fast and short period of time.
      This disease is simply transferred by the mucus or body fluid of the infected person if one has some injuries, broken skin or mucous membrane then it is transferred to another person through blood stream.  The incubation period of this disease ranges from 2 to 21 days by the time the virus enters into the body of the person. The symptoms of Ebola are as follows:
1.  The major symptom of this disease is the hemorrhagic fever that means the infected person will bleed excessively both inward and outward.
2. The infected person may have some of the discomfort they may feel sick along with sore throat and headache accompanied by muscle pain and fatigueness.
       This symptoms occur when the virus attacks the T- lymphocytes of the person.
      Now after this symptoms lets talk about its preventive measures since it is a viral disease so no medicine has been developed against it. Some of the preventive measures of this disease are as follows.
1. Since this disease is communicable so one should avoid to visiting that outbreak territories.
2. The remains and the funeral ceremonies should not be done of Ebola infected person.
3. Hands should be frequently washed.
4. Eating of raw meat should be avoided. The meat should be properly cooked.
5. We should be aware of wild animals and bats.
           This are of the details about Ebola it's symptoms and its preventive measures.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Zika virus and its symptoms by WHO

It was in the year 1947 when a unique symptom was found among the monkeys of Uganda. It name was derived from a forest in which the particular monkey used to live in. In the year 1952 first time this symptom was found on humans. Zika virus was found in some of the south american countries in the first beginning. Brazil was the country on which the zika virus is spread dangerously. Besides this today many of the world has been suffered from the consequence of this zika virus.
       Zika virus mostly affect on the pregnant woman. As a result the children born suffers from the mental disease known as micro cephalic syndrome. This zika virus is spread by a type of aedes mosquito. This mosquito carries the zika virus with it when it bites to the person then after some time the symptoms is seen on the person. The person affecting from this disease transmit the disease to the infant born from it. As a result the infant is born with small or very reduced size. Thus the infant is mentally challenged and die later due to this disease.
        The incubation period from several weeks to certain month and may vary according to the person. The symptoms that it show are same as arbovircu.
The symptoms that it show are:
1. The fever that is same as during the dengue.
2. Skin rashes, conjunctivitis, including muscle problem and joint pain.
3. Nausea, red eye and the infected pregnant women may give birth to a abnormal baby with small sized head.
        Since the disease is caused by the infected virus thus there is no medicines for it. The scientist and researchers are searching for the vaccines of this disease but has not find yet. As the legend says prevention is better than cure. Some of the preventive measures of this disease are as follows:
1. Since the disease is caused by the virus from the mosquito so the anti repellent should be used against the mosquito.
2. The environment or the surrounding in which we are living should be clean and healthy.
3. Overall checkup of the body should be done.
4. Infected mother should not give birth to a new baby.
     Adopting this method we may not suffer from the zika virus disease. It is one of the most common and dangerous disease spreading all round the world hence we should take precautions over it.
Though it is a burning problem but it can be prevented.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A brief history of internet from then till now

Today world is a globalized world. The use of Facebook, YouTube, and Google has really made our life very delightful but to take all the advantage of this thing we should first require an internet. Internet is a very broad way that connects all the PC computers, laptops, mobiles and other electronic gadgets. If we flashback to the past then we can observe a great history for the born of internet. In the past days the internet were not as much speed as it is being today.
          It was back in the year 1960 when first internet was used to connect the computer with only one computer of that time. It was not as known to everyone. At that time computers used to be very much huge and bulk size. ARPANET was the medium that used to connect with other computers. It stands for advanced research project agency. At the beginning it was used during the cold war to known the condition of the military soldiers and to give command. Robert.E Kahn and Vint cerf are said to be the inventor of internet. At the late of the 1960s four of the computers were able to connect with each other. In the same way the person were not able to communicate with each other. In the same time two computers of USA were managed to communicate. The computer from one state typed login but the computer from the Stanford received only the two words of the word login i.e L and O. In the year 1972 first time e-mail was introduced that changed the history of communication forever. In the same way it was in the year 1974 when first time the word internet was used. Besides this thing it was during the early 80s when local area network came into existence and connected the local area computer with each other. Officially at the late 80s internet was widely opened and became famous. Internet service provider expanded and gave the services of internet. In the early 90s world wide web www came into existence leading to the browsers like mosaic and netscape navivator. More than 90% of the internet user used netscape navigator as a browser. Finally different internet providers came into existence and served for the internet. PCI net and UU net were the internet service provider and finally it became very much famous among the people of the era. In the year 1997 Google was launched that acts as a search engine. By that time the computer was available on much compact and portable sized than it used to be in the past time.
Slowly and gradually the speed of internet was increased by different technologies. At first where the internet was carried on only by the LAN telephone network has been now advanced to fibre less medium. In the same way the concept of LIFI has been introduced.
        This is a brief history of the origin of the internet.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why does earth spin on its axis, scientific explanation

We all know about rotation and revolution. Rotation causes day and night whereas revolution causes climate change. All the things in the universe rotates in their axis. We may not know the actual reason behind why do earth rotates. The revolution occurs due to the centripetal force tangent to the surface of the object. It revolves around the axis in the fixed path and by this simple moment climate change occurs.
       The main science behind the rotation of the earth is all our solar system has been formed by the masses of the clouds and if we observe it by sitting on the belt of our galaxy then we can see that whole of this particles and elements bombards with each other and due to this the earth spins on its axis. On the other hand some of the researchers also states that earth and all other planets are the product of the bigbang that occurs before billions of years ago. After bigbang all the planets began to spin very faster according to the theory of angular momentum conservation and conservation of energy. In simple definition they states that after bigbang they continue to move due to law of inertia. At the very beginning of the formation of earth it used to rotate very fast but slowly and gradually the gravity of the moon has dropped it down to the present spin level. The moon trues to stop the earth from moving but as it is very far from the earth it cannot do so. Unlikely it can surely will drop the spin level after billions of year.
   All the particles and molecules in the universe has different velocities and they move in different directions so the average velocities between them will become different. As a result they give rise to the angular momentum. The gravity between the particles will make the particles to condense and become contracted. When the particles are contracted there spin becomes faster. We can simply take an example of an ice skater whose spin will be double and treble when their arms are contracted towards they body but when their hands are out stretched then the spin will be slow. This moment of balancing of the spin is known as gyroscopic stabilization. Since the concept of the universe expansion appears to be real we can easily guess the slow spinning of the planets due to the contraction of galaxy obviously.
    This is the scientific explanation for the rotation or spinning of the earth around its axis.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Kundalini awakening: steps, symptoms

The word Kundalini has been derived from the Sanskrit word which has the meaning the power also regard as goddess durga. It is the cosmic energy that is present inside our body. It is regarded as a coiled serpent which is present at the base of the spine. It is remained in the passive form in the body. It can be invoke by various ways. Mainly to invoke it there is active way and another is passive way. Active way is the way in which the person invoke his kundalini by the active physical process i.e by different asans, by breathing control yoga, by mantra chanting and other various ways as the person has different limitations and the methods to invoke it is unlimited so it can be invoke by any ways.
For Kundalini awakening by yoga, it has been classified as three main types as kriya yoga, kundalini yoga and sahaja yoga. Before invoking kundalini we should know what it means.
         Awakening the kundalini means awakening the highest form of spiritual power inside us. When the energy from the muldhara is move up to the back of the spine and forwarding that energy to the top of the head and finally culminating that energy to the third eye. From this the whole kundalini awakes.
          For the invoke of this kundalini the practiser should follow one method to perform it. It may be either mantra chanting, yoga, deep meditation or any other. Practiser should strictly follow this practise everyday on the regular time basis. It should not be left even for one days. If break is taken then it may be difficult to invoke it. It should be practised on the guidance of master(guru). Daily practicing of it invokes kundalini energy. When the kundalini invokes different people have different sensations and feelings. The symptoms of kundalini awakening are:
1. It gives a sensation of electric current passing through all over the body. A positive vibe can be experienced.
2. In some persons the back pain has been observed.
3. Most common is the intense internal sound can be experienced that no one can hear.
4. The sudden change in the emotion of the person. Arising of different emotions.
5. In the later phase there may be the symptoms of mental problems, emotional problems and others.
         Hence this above are the things that are the symptoms and the process to invoke kundalini energy. This is the highest form of the spirituality by which a person invokes all his internal energy and self realize himself. The awakening time varies from person to person some may get it in 15 days, some may get it in 1 month some may get it in a year or so. By practising this kriya the person can get different or positive vibe.
       Although it has a good side but it may trouble if there may occur any defect or error during the practices. It doesn't go smoothly if it is not practiced under guidance and bring some health and mental problems which is known as kundalini syndrome medically.