
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Gravitational waves discovery by LIGO

Laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory (LIGO). It is a science observatory department that has earned a great reputation by giving contribution in finding the gravitational waves. This was predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago. This made the theory of relativity more strong. According to David Reitze executive director of LIGO the finest and pure is being passed through the tunnel and it makes the detection of the gravitational waves.
      According to the Einstein the space is a fabric that it compressed by the object having mass. He also claimed that the object can be moved from one point to the another by the space fabrics by the squeezing and stretching and it may also speak about the multi verse theory and said that the time travel may also be possible from that fabric if we may escape then we will be in a completely new dimensions with completely new space. The gravitational waves is formed when two giant black holes move with each other in their gravitational fields and move in a spiral and circular motion so in this condition the gravitational waves is formed, like a dropping stone in a water. This waves are rarely detected when they are in the space.
    LIGO first passed the laser from which the pure light sent in two different directions and from a tunnel of vacuum. According to the wave motion both have same distance so both the waves should reflect with the same speed and with the same wave form so they intersect each other but if there is a presence of waves then there is a slight deflection in the two waves which is easily recognized and the presence of the gravitational waves are known. As it is highly sensitive observation so two observatory departments were built just opposite to each other in the USA. They both have to make a signal to help each other and record properly.
     From the help of this experiment scientist found that the time which we require to move from one point of the universe to another can be minimized by this wave theory. This is one of the biggest and remarkable success in today's time. And a great discovery of 21st century. The LIGO work is continuously going on and it has been successful in detecting the gravitational waves for the second time.


  1. Nice post as always !! And Biraj when we'll get ur channel live in youtube .. Pls pass the link as soon as it get's live .. Good Luck >>>

  2. thanks for ur love and support

  3. thanks for ur love and support
