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Monday, October 31, 2016

What is a molecular machines

The worlds tiny machine is also known to be nano machine but if we go to the root level then it is the molecular machine. The process is very vast. It is of two types biological molecular machine and artificial or synthetic molecular machine. The protein found in our body is the most complex biological molecular machines. The another type is of the synthetic molecular machines. It is a tiny artificial muscles that could be run only by the help of some amount of energy. For many decades of year it has been studied and finally the design was out and it describes the synthesis of that tiny molecules in the machine. It was first researched by jean perry sauvage in the year 1983. It was just a step towards the hypothetical concept but he was not alone. It was in the year 1991 when another researcher name Fraser Stoddard was able to developed a rotaxane. First of all he put a thread in the ring molecule and made it to move. It was able to move as well as it works on the concept wheel and axle. It makes the concept of synthesis of molecular machines more strong as the molecule was able to move and now they could also manufactured to make computer chips. It required some energy. In the same way Fernand feringo came in this field with his development of molecular machines. They all worked on the same principle and were awarded by the Nobel prize in the year 2016 for their outstanding contribution in chemistry that made a huge revolution.
We all know that the molecules are linked with one another by the help of a covalent bond. His team members were able to confined the first finding the mechanical chain of the molecules by the help of copper ion when they were able to do that only then they thought of the tiny molecules synthesis and its design. It is the machine just like a moving cart with the molecules bonding with each other.  The application of this discovery has been hard to make. According to Stu cantrill editor in chief at nature chemistry though it has no application but as being a unique concept that the molecules run by the external force or energy. It has a many things to do with it.
Hence this are the mechanisms and the molecular machines that revolunize the modern chemistry.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

How ear maintains the body balancing

We all know that eye,ear,skin,tongue and nose are the five vital primary organs of the human body having all a unique functions. All of them are equally important if one of them is degenerate or dismantled then we called them as a handicapped people. They do have a less body function then we possess. Among all these vital organs ear is considered to be important. It is not only important in the sense that we cannot heard without it but it is due to if ear has a problem and the person cannot hear any sound then in that situation it has another great defects too. If a person ear has a serious problem then the ear cannot maintain the equilibrium of the body.
If we are able to hear the sound then it is due to the vibration of sound wave that makes the air particles to move along with it as a material like transmitter and the third part of ear better known to be inner ear is the part which is responsible for hearing and equilibrium. The outer part of the ear pinna is responsible to receive the sound wave and sent them deeper inside the ear. The labyrinth possess three semicircular canal all of which are equally responsible for the balancing of the body as all of them semicircular canal are filled with liquid and shows to which direction the head is moving by giving a signal to the central nervous system about it.
       According to Dr. Peter Zee a person gets a vertigo or dizziness when a small microscopic of calcium stone flows from a persons inner ear. Actually we all have that calcium but if a person has some of the injury or defect in otolith organ then in that case the organ cannot hold the calcium stone properly resulting in its mobility. For this type of people the basic treatment provided is first of all they are lay out in bed keeping the head turned to the angle of 45 degree from the horizontal and from that the position of the eyes of the patients is seen and the conclusion is drawn which part and by how much this defect has been caused and from then the treatment is done.
If the internal system of ear is damaged or broken down then a wide varieties of problems occurs. Like if someone is thinking about moving up but in actual he is not and he feels he is move to right and left but is not moving. This are the damage occur due to the inner ear. The fluid cannot detect the position of the body.
         Hence in this way the ear is a very vital organs responsible for the hearing as well as balancing of the body.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

What are the benefits of drinking milk

Many of us drink milk. We consider it to be healthy and nutritious. Specially it is considered to be very useful to the small children. There are different types of milk cow milk, goat milk, buffalo milk, human milk. Milk is white due to casein and some amount of fats present in the milk. This white colour has less wavelength due to which we see it white. Mainly milk is 82-87% water and 18-13% other nutrients.
    The milk which we drink should be pure and fresh. The device used to measure the purity of milk is termed as lactometer. Many thousands of years ago milk was considered to be unhealthy and unsuitable for our consumption because at those time the enzyme could not be secreted that could digest the milk and absorb the nutrients. We are now very thankful to the gene mutation by the grace of which the enzymes are secreted to digest the milk in the body. According to a survey it has shown that globally around 65% can drink milk. Some has lactose allergy which prevents them from drinking milk and its dairy products. The milk has many benefits upon our body. Some of the benefits of milk are as below.
Milk is the good source of calcium. Our bones and teeth are made up of calcium that makes them hard.
Milk is also highly rich in vitamin D that is a type of vitamin helps in absorbing a good amount of calcium. Not only this this also helps in the reabsorption of phosphorus fighting against fatal diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis. Also maintaining a strong and good bones and teeth.
According to a survey done it has shown that person who drink milk has a greater memory power than those who drink tea or coffee. It was conducted in 967 people. It stimulates the brain to secrete a special type of enzyme.
It is good for the children as rehydration as it contains a huge amount of water molecules it provides a good stand for the people to run day to day activities.
It also has a good amount of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals helps us to remain fit and develop a good immunity. It is a protein so helps in the growth and development of the body.
     This are some of the benefits of the milk. Milk is very good and healthy as per the research and says.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Explanation on moon landing hoax

In 1969 A.D it was a golden time and the greatest moment of the world. In that year Apollo 5th mission was run out. America sent rocket to landed man on the moon. Before this laika a dog was also sent to the moon to observe the survival of life and also it survived and then it sent astronauts to landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first person to land of the moon. At that time this step and success of America was praised by all the people. Later there were many news flashed out stating the fake of the person landed on moon. There were many controversies running out. The news became very popular and was also published on a national news saying that it was just a film in which USA spent 2 billion dollars. Today in this topic we will talk all about that.
The first thing is that while they dug the flag of USA it is clearly seen that the flag has been moving. In moon there is no air no atmosphere then how is it possible. However according to NASA it has said the horizontal part of the flag tends to remain open and due to the vibration while dig the moon onto the ground may have caused the moving of the flag.
The other thing is that van helmen radiation belt is a layer of a charged particles that is formed due to the magnetic field of the planet. It is said that this belt cannot be crossed successfully nowadays it has been researched and the scientist are continuously working to cross this belt and back in 1969 it was less developed phase in terms of technology so it is said that no one has landed on moon. 
The next big conspiracy is that there is no stars in the sky. In the moon there is no atmosphere so no cloud is present if so then the stars could be seen easily but in the photographs there has been no stars NASA tried to shut the matter out by simply stating that it was due to poor image quality at that time.
The most famous thing or the conspiracy is that in the helmet of an astronaut has shown a spot of the shadow of a person which is famous to be the shadow of a photographer.
Finally when Neil Armstrong jumped into the land not a particle was displaced. The whole moon is a crater then why didn't the jumped impact the craters. NASA simply replied that it was due to less gravity on the surface of the moon.
      Hence these are some conspiracy that says that no one has reached to moon till today. It was just a shooting to fool the people. Due to the lots many of the evidences and the slip of tongue of Neil Armstrong in an interview also suggests that no one has reached the moon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What is hallucination and why it occurs

It is some usual condition in which we hear the voice of someone calling by our name or some strange sound coming but if we observe properly there will be no one in the room except ourselves. In the same way there is  also the another problem as one visualize something in front of him but in actual reality that things doesn't takes place. This type of syndrome is regarded as hallucination. Day by day it is increasing its patience has been risen up. It occurs in many conditions. It has many causes if a person is drunk or in taking marijuana and other types of drugs. Depression mental disease can bring hallucination. The term hallucination was first used by physician sir Thomas Browne.
Actually in thalamus of our brain when there is imbalance between the chemical harmone then the patience suffers from hallucination. It can occur in any persecution like it may be visual, auditory, olfactory, tickle, etc. Suppose a person has sound hallucination then it is called as auditory hallucination. If some one has a feelings of touch then it is hallucination of tickle and if some one hallucinate something of odour then is called olfactory hallucination besides this also some other hallucination takes place. This above are some major types. The different syndrome also occurs in the phase just like some examples are Alice in the wonderland syndrome, Charles bonnet syndrome and some others.
         According to the types of hallucinations doctor treat the patience. The appearance of tumor on the brain can also cause hallucination. The psychiatrist treat some patience by the method of hypnosis or control of mind. Whereas if it do not work then the doctor has to take MRI of the internal brain and then the structure is drawn and from that structure they can easily point out the defect occurring in the brain by comparing the structure of our normal brain and if the tumor has caused it then it changes the form and appearance in the brain. In this way the tumor from the brain is removed out. Medicine can also treat hallucination.
      According to a survey it has shown the person suffering from hallucination is increasing day by day. It is not a serious disease regular checkups is required. This are the causes and the treatments of hallucination.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mechanism and causes of vomiting

Vomiting is the condition of throwing out the food or beverages from the stomach through mouth, In some cases in occurs due to the disorder in the gastric system whereas in some case it occurs when we are traveling in a long run on buses. It has different reasons to occur it may be due to food poisons  pregnancy, over eating and many others. Among them there are some of the major factors affecting for the vomiting.
One of the cause for the the vomiting is smelling when we smell some thing unusual or foul smell, our brain immediately response to this due to which it sends the signal and the vomiting occurs. In terms of another factor our ear has a special type of fluid during our journey when the vehicles are at motion our body remains at rest that causes the disturbance in the inner ear fluid which is also responsible for balancing the whole body. Due to the disturbance in this type of fluid usually the person feels nausea and so vomiting occurs. This two are considered to be the most important factors for vomiting. However the exact reasons has not been found yet. After dealing with this causes now lets talk about the working mechanisms responsible for it.
Mainly for vomiting the fourth ventricle of brain is responsible or is considered as the vomiting site. Specially this region has chemoreceptors trigger zone(CTZ). DUE to the stimulation of this region it sends the message due to which whole body works accordingly. First the patience has a deep breath intake and outlet, There may occur some sweating also in some people, there is also increase in salivation to wash out or protect the teeth from the vomit acid. Though Dopamine, Histomine and Serotonin plays an active role in suppressing the vomiting. This is the reason that sometimes the vomits are suppressed. The out thrown vomit has a high concentration of acid. It also gives a foul smell. Antemetic can be used in order to treat on vomiting and nausea. It can be easily available on the market in the name of abomin, dopomin etc.
This are some of the causes of the vomiting and the working mechanisms of vomiting. Most of us have this problem.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Normal brain vs Einstein brain

We all know about the father of physics and the scientist of million years. Yes it is Albert Einstein. He has formulated the theory of relativity and photoelectric effects as well as many others principles and laws. He also received Nobel prize in physics for photoelectric effect. He is the master piece of the era and has been considered to be one of the most famous scientist to use more percent of thinking brain capacity. How Einstein had a huge creativity and thinking power this question was raised and then the researchers decided to examine his brain. This is the reason that after seven and half hours from the death of Albert Einstein his brain was removed in order to examine from the neuroanatomy and mathematical and geometrical shape and size.
From the examination conducted in Princeton Hospital by Thomas S.Harvey he dissected the brain and made in 240 blocks. His brain has weight of 1240 gm. Corpus collosum is a thick broad band of nerves joining the two hemisphere of the brain. And Einstein Corpus collosum has a thick band of the nerves joining that makes the thinking and creativity more major by then the normal brain can do. This happens when we think more and more and thick our connections become and both the hemisphere works at once and the studies has shown that the musician has thick Corpus collusum and Albert Einstein also used to play violin.
In the same way. It was a myth that said that Einstein used 10% of his brains. However it has also been said that normal person has that much of capacity doesn't matter what a person is doing. The brain always remain active. The glial cells are the specialized cells in the brain in Einstein the number of glial cells were comparatively high than normal brain suggesting they feed neurons more and that shoes that the brain activity in Einstein is more than we normal beings. This is the most researched reason for Einstein's intelligence.
However because of all this things also many critics has been made regarding Einstein's brain. Some claims that the his part of brain only 4 parts were dissected whereas some other says that it is not true for him to become intelligent.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Why do we sleep

Well we human beings cannot work continuously. We need some rest sleep to remove our tiredness. We then sleep so what happens when we sleep. In this topic we gonna discuss all about the sleep. Our brain works continuously from morning till evening. According to a research by the researchers it has been found that people who sleep 6-8 hour per day live longer. Whereas the people who sleep less are attacked by diabetes, cancer and mental diseases. If we stopped sleep from today then dopamine is run which stimulate the brain and makes it slow. Due to which the person cannot think properly and correctly and this makes the other brain harmone to run slowly so eventually a condition is reached at which the person suffers from depression.
During our day to day workout our brain is continuously running in different activities. In this condition lactic acid is deposited in our brain. This makes our brain feel tired and heavy so we feel sleepy and during our sleep the brain wash out all the lactic acid from the brain cells and in the same way the blood is release out from each and every part of the brain. The brain cells is then washed by the glucose like liquid called glucagen. This phenomenon is called brain wash. If the brain cells is washed part by part then in that condition though we fall asleep but also we can feel the things happening around us. If the whole brain is washed completely at a time then in that situation we cannot get any feelings and sensations. So we require sleep and it helps to again put the energy back in the body. The amount of sleep also depends upon the age, physical and mental condition. Our brain is very sensitive to the light stimulus due to which at the dim light or in the evening time brain impulse the message that its sleeping time.
This are the things that deals with our sleep. Though we sleep but a vast process takes place at our mind. A sound sleep means a healthy life so we have to spend our life in the healthy way.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Interrelationships between Veda science and modern science

Our modern science is very advanced and unbeatable. Every day we hear the news of new discovery and ideas. How advanced are we when we reach to this stage we just stand proud and say, yes we have achieved  it. According to a quotation by Albert Einstein imagination is more powerful than knowledge. Knowledge is limited under a particular boundary whereas the imagination covers the whole universe. When we reach to this part we have become very proud and we are not going to accept the ancient holy books. The oldest religion in this universe is Hindu. The sacred books of Hindu are geeta, Veda, Upanishads, Purana etc. Now today we are going to discuss about the interrelationships between the modern science and Veda science. This books were written before 5000 years ago.
According to the Veda science in bhagwat geeta it is said that soul can never be destroyed when a person dies as the person changes the dress the soul also changes the body. It has not been discovered until the principle of conservation of energy it is said that energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed but changes from one form to another form. Researchers researched on this topic for many years until they discovered one thing that if a person is able to perform any kind of activities then there must be any kind of energy and later they found that this energy is known as soul.
In the same way in Mahabharata it has described about the greatness of lord Krishna in which the lord has taken different avatars for the benefits of the people the first avatar is fish second is tortoise and third is the pig. The researcher researched it for many years and said that it has spoken about the evolution of organism the first is the aquatic organism the second is the amphibians the third is finally terrestrial. In this way it speaks about the evolution.
The third is the puspak biman which means the flying object and in the modern science this object was not discovered until the wright brothers discovered it but the imagination was more than 2000 years ago.
This proves that the modern science has been derived from the Veda science realizing knowledge and the mystery it Veda science has also been included in the compulsory curriculum subject in school level in German and many parts of the world.

Monday, October 10, 2016

How to memorize things quickly 100% effective

It is very difficult to memorize the things. Specially to students if we just memorize then after half an hour we may partially remember it and then finally after 3-4 hours we completely forget all that we previously read it. So there is a hope if only we could have the ability to capture the image or recordings like in the mobile or computer and store in the hard drive. Ya, this is our really hope. Now you can memorize the things 10 times faster and quicker than ever. Thus are some of the tips that I am going to give you.
According to a study done at the Harvard university it has been found that most of the students who are creative and intellectual most of them write their daily note, diary. Not only this in the biography of Albert Einstein also this has been said that he always used to carry a diary on his pocket so whenever a new idea gonna come to his mind he would immediately write it down and at the night time before sleep he used to read this all the idea and from their both his memory and the knowledge was sharpened. This is a short thing which is done by many scientists and great writers. This seriously boost the knowledge and increase the memory.
The next is taking healthy diet and good sleep helps to increase our memory. During morning time it is best to take almond with milk. This really enhance the memory power. It contains a useful enzyme that when drink with milk in the morning time it gives a good stimulization to the memory harmone due to which the memory increases. Similarly to have sound sleep is also important in the lack of sleep beta amaloid is formed that beta amaloid directly affects on our brain harmone due to which the brain cannot remain active so we should need a good sound sleep of 7-8 hours a day.
The next thing is that daily meditation during morning time also increases the memory power. In the same way specially for the students they can have a super learning therapy it is a completely new and most effective method ever for the improvement of the memory power. For this the natural music or alpha music or any other super learning music are played in the device and then whatever the things that the reader need to memorize is recorded along with the music and the person in the morning time plugs a head phone and listen to it carefully with a good concentration. It is scientifically proved that this music possess the waves that has the connection to make or increase the memory and give a complete relaxation. This is one of the best method that many of the people and students apply.
This all the techniques are based on the scientific research and theories. They all improve the memory very quickly and effectively. You can perform it on and increase the memory.  

Saturday, October 8, 2016

A brief concept on antimatter

We all know that every thing has a positive and negative aspects it depends on our view of how we are thinking or observing that thing. This is infact a philosophy it doesn't run the universe of reality and the real thing is that we have to count all the negative things as well. If we don't then all our principle and theory will have to change. We cannot neglect them. After the big bang our universe has been created and during that time a huge amount of energy was released throwing a lot of matter. That was a positive concept until in 1928 when a scientist named Paul Dirac first brought the modern concept of antimatter. This made the scientist to think and realize that there is antimatter too. Like matter it also possess the mass and possess the charge but it possess the anti particles such as lepton and Byronic. When the collision or the interaction between the particle and antiparticles takes place then it give rise to a new gamma energy which is powerful. They have the same nature and behaviour as possess by the ordinary matter according to a experiment done by the researcher at the past time in General nature. This is also said that during the explosion of big bang matters are produced more than the antimatter though it is only hypothetical.
Now after this how powerful may be this antimatter? Well they are very much powerful than we expected. They need a very much high magnetic field for them to levitate because no air can interact with them as air contain matter and they are very much powerful. They act like a explosive substance having higher potentiality to destroy a lot many of the things. They are very much powerful specially when their electron collide with progestron then they release a huge amount of the energy. If we are able to use this antimatter properly by interacting positron and different anti particles in the body then they has the ability to treat the cancer disease. It was proved to be very useful when experimenting with many people suffering from cancer. Not only this lots many of this advantages has to be discovered.
Researchers and scientists are studying its properties and nature and has concluded many things. Though they are proved to be good and benefits in many cases. Soon finally its mystery will also remain no more mystery.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Google pixel phone and its features

The most advanced and interesting thing that the science has developed is the mobile phone. If we see from the back 15 years ago there was a simple phone without any special function. Now the time has been changed new smart phones has been launched consistently in the market with high update and upgrade. Besides this mobile companies Google has also manufactured a smart phone which is different than others with high and advanced technology used onto it. This are the things that has made it more attractive and have forced us to think about buying it.
It is slim and light as well with attractive finishing having 2.5D corning gorilla glass 4. This has a glass finishing of aluminium and provide a curved edge for more attractiveness.This is the first phone with Google assistant that replies to your query. You don't need to touch the keypad and searched about your query. You just question it and it will answer you. This feature is new and advanced.
It has a high pixel camera that allows to take a great and good photos at any light it may whether be bright light or dim Light. It has 1.55 micro meter that allows to take a beautiful picture even in the night. This also provides HDR+ pixel. This has made it more useful for the people who are fund of selfie and taking pictures.
In 15 minutes of charges it can withstand 7 hour and can give you a long term battery standing. This can give you at least 1 day long battery life by opening WiFi and other more battery draining apps.
This can provide a huge storage or unlimited storage of photos and videos. Now there is no problem for the memory full.
Besides this things by the help of Google duo two person can easily chat with each other. A person do not have to only depend upon computer laptops or tabs for the transfer of files and folders. The person with Google pixel phone can easily connect it to a android mobile or iPhone and can transfer the required files and folders. It is in this sense very time saving and effort less.
It can be unlock fast by the finger printing sensor and can see or draw all the notifications. This is another great features of this phone.
This phone is available in 5" and 5.5" with varieties of color. The above are some of the special features which are not present in regular phone. All other features is provided by this phone as does by other regular smart phones in the market. So this phone may be the best phone to be available now.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

What is the topological and transitional phase of a matter

This year 2016 has been a great hit for the field of science and technology. Yes this is the year when three scientists David.j thouless , Duncan Haldane and Michael kosterlitz all were awarded by the novel prize in physics for their research on exotic matters and from their they were able to find the topological and transitional phases in the matter. They had spent most of their lives in finding it and this has proved to be very successful in terms of many science fields such as programming , electric field and many more.
A exotic matter is any matter that deviates from the ordinary matter and shows the exotic nature. They are the strange matter which is supposed to be extraordinary because it is not made by electron and proton. They are also called non Byronic. The transition changes is the peculiar phase in the matter shape and properties when it is affected by the temperature and pressure. We can observe that a water cools or become ice when their temperature is decrease. This is the type of a transition change. In the same way the next is the topological which is the property in which the matter is not changed or affected by the external factors. A closed object can be deformed into a another closed object but it cannot be deformed into a object having a hole. Thor Hanson have shown it by considering a example of bagel and pretzel one having one hole and other having three in this case that the object having one hole cannot be transformed into the another but their integral multiple remains same.
The exotic matter are considered to be a negative energy and it can be made in the laboratories too. First of all the gaps energy between two metallic plates are squeezed and then evacuated in such a way nothing remains inside it. The final object which we get is the exotic matter. They are very much complicated as well as interesting.
Topological and phase transition helps in the prediction and the to calculate the worm hole exhaustion. In this way as the exotic matter has a great application in our day to day life. It has a vast application and is supposed to be very useful in astronomy and mathematics.