The worlds tiny machine is also known to be nano machine but if we go to the root level then it is the molecular machine. The process is very vast. It is of two types biological molecular machine and artificial or synthetic molecular machine. The protein found in our body is the most complex biological molecular machines. The another type is of the synthetic molecular machines. It is a tiny artificial muscles that could be run only by the help of some amount of energy. For many decades of year it has been studied and finally the design was out and it describes the synthesis of that tiny molecules in the machine. It was first researched by jean perry sauvage in the year 1983. It was just a step towards the hypothetical concept but he was not alone. It was in the year 1991 when another researcher name Fraser Stoddard was able to developed a rotaxane. First of all he put a thread in the ring molecule and made it to move. It was able to move as well as it works on the concept wheel and axle. It makes the concept of synthesis of molecular machines more strong as the molecule was able to move and now they could also manufactured to make computer chips. It required some energy. In the same way Fernand feringo came in this field with his development of molecular machines. They all worked on the same principle and were awarded by the Nobel prize in the year 2016 for their outstanding contribution in chemistry that made a huge revolution.
We all know that the molecules are linked with one another by the help of a covalent bond. His team members were able to confined the first finding the mechanical chain of the molecules by the help of copper ion when they were able to do that only then they thought of the tiny molecules synthesis and its design. It is the machine just like a moving cart with the molecules bonding with each other. The application of this discovery has been hard to make. According to Stu cantrill editor in chief at nature chemistry though it has no application but as being a unique concept that the molecules run by the external force or energy. It has a many things to do with it.
Hence this are the mechanisms and the molecular machines that revolunize the modern chemistry.
We all know that the molecules are linked with one another by the help of a covalent bond. His team members were able to confined the first finding the mechanical chain of the molecules by the help of copper ion when they were able to do that only then they thought of the tiny molecules synthesis and its design. It is the machine just like a moving cart with the molecules bonding with each other. The application of this discovery has been hard to make. According to Stu cantrill editor in chief at nature chemistry though it has no application but as being a unique concept that the molecules run by the external force or energy. It has a many things to do with it.
Hence this are the mechanisms and the molecular machines that revolunize the modern chemistry.