
Monday, October 10, 2016

How to memorize things quickly 100% effective

It is very difficult to memorize the things. Specially to students if we just memorize then after half an hour we may partially remember it and then finally after 3-4 hours we completely forget all that we previously read it. So there is a hope if only we could have the ability to capture the image or recordings like in the mobile or computer and store in the hard drive. Ya, this is our really hope. Now you can memorize the things 10 times faster and quicker than ever. Thus are some of the tips that I am going to give you.
According to a study done at the Harvard university it has been found that most of the students who are creative and intellectual most of them write their daily note, diary. Not only this in the biography of Albert Einstein also this has been said that he always used to carry a diary on his pocket so whenever a new idea gonna come to his mind he would immediately write it down and at the night time before sleep he used to read this all the idea and from their both his memory and the knowledge was sharpened. This is a short thing which is done by many scientists and great writers. This seriously boost the knowledge and increase the memory.
The next is taking healthy diet and good sleep helps to increase our memory. During morning time it is best to take almond with milk. This really enhance the memory power. It contains a useful enzyme that when drink with milk in the morning time it gives a good stimulization to the memory harmone due to which the memory increases. Similarly to have sound sleep is also important in the lack of sleep beta amaloid is formed that beta amaloid directly affects on our brain harmone due to which the brain cannot remain active so we should need a good sound sleep of 7-8 hours a day.
The next thing is that daily meditation during morning time also increases the memory power. In the same way specially for the students they can have a super learning therapy it is a completely new and most effective method ever for the improvement of the memory power. For this the natural music or alpha music or any other super learning music are played in the device and then whatever the things that the reader need to memorize is recorded along with the music and the person in the morning time plugs a head phone and listen to it carefully with a good concentration. It is scientifically proved that this music possess the waves that has the connection to make or increase the memory and give a complete relaxation. This is one of the best method that many of the people and students apply.
This all the techniques are based on the scientific research and theories. They all improve the memory very quickly and effectively. You can perform it on and increase the memory.  


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