The most common and fatal disease that we suffer is the malaria. It is a very dangerous disease that can take the lives of the people. Malaria alone can take the thousands and millions of lives every year. It is a very dangerous disease. Actually this disease is caused by a special type of anopheles mosquito. This mosquito possess the plasmodium parasite which is present only on the special type of the female anopheles mosquito. When the infected person is bitten by the mosquito then the parasite is then transferred into the body of the person. This parasite attack to the liver of the person. It weakens the body system by taking all the RBC from the blood. It destroys all the RBC s of the body as a result the body antibodies are activated but they cant do anything because this parasite cover themselves by the membrane to protect from the antibodies. Due to this reason the person then suffers from the different body disorders like fever, cold and others. On the other hand the body immunity system continuously degrades as a result the person becomes weak and sick. He cannot do anything actively. If this parasite reaches to the brain then at that situation, the person finally goes to the coma. From there there is very little chance to come out and live a good life.
Malaria is a very dangerous disease. This should be control. With the hope of this thing today our genetic engineering is very much advance and forward. By the help of genetic engineering we can easily manipulate and analyse the genes and can change them according to our desire. For this eradication process we have a technology called as the CRISPR technology. In this technology the artificial mosquitoes are prepared in the lab by changing the genomes of the mosquitoes. Their genome are made in such a way that they are plasmodium free. They do not allow the parasite to survive on their body so they can be termed as a malaria free. When they are crossed with the natural mosquitoes around our surroundings then in that case, half of the mosquitoes are malaria free while other half of the mosquitoes may be affected by the malaria. There is both the possibilities of but by the help of special genetic engineering we can easily develop the malaria free mosquitoes. Since the special genetic engineering is very advanced its risk has been said that the HIV, AIDS may be suffered from or by the mosquito vector. Since all the plasmodium parasites are the living microorganisms and a part of this nature. This may affect on our ecosystem.
Hence this is the advanced technology helps in the eradication of the malaria from the world.