
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Nucleic acids types and fuctions

Nucleic acids is the macro-molecules that form the genetic materials, except the virus. Nucleic acid is the polymer of nucleotide. So what may the component of the nucleic acids? so this are the components of the nucleic acids.
1. Pentose sugar: this is the main component of the nucleic acids. The sugar contains the phosphorus group attached. They are also further classified as two groups.
a. Ribose sugar: oxygen is present in the second carbon atom. It is present in the RNA.
b. Deoxyribose sugar: oxygen is absent in the second carbon of pentose sugar. It is found in DNA.
2. Phosphoric acid: it contains a phosphate group and present in outermost part of nucleotide.
3. Nitrogenous bases: it is present at the center of the nucleotide. It is of two types
a. Purine: purines are the nine members double ring of carbon and nitrogen. They are of two types Adenine, Guanine.
b. Pyrimidine: they are of six members ring of carbon and nitrogen. They are of three types.
       There are two types of nucleic acid.
1. DNA: it is double stranded helix. It is present in most of the eukaryote cell. It carries the hereditary characters from parents to their offspring.
2.RNA : it is single stranded helix. It is present in some plant and virus as a hereditary carrier. They do not have the tendency to replicate each other.
       There are five types of DNA they are as follows.
They are all right handed helical except the last Z DNA which is only left handed helical.
       There are three types of RNA they are as follows.
Transfer RNA , Ribosomal RNA , Messenger RNA thus all have different functions and are necessary in different types.
     In this way the nucleic acids are explained. After this now lets explained about the functions of a Nucleic acids. Some of its functions are as follows.
1. It has in the process of transfer of genetic material from parents to the offspring.
2. DNA controls the synthesis of RNA in the cell possible only due to the nucleic acid.
3. RNA synthesis the proteins.
4. They are the basic common things from which our body is made up of.

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