
Saturday, October 8, 2016

A brief concept on antimatter

We all know that every thing has a positive and negative aspects it depends on our view of how we are thinking or observing that thing. This is infact a philosophy it doesn't run the universe of reality and the real thing is that we have to count all the negative things as well. If we don't then all our principle and theory will have to change. We cannot neglect them. After the big bang our universe has been created and during that time a huge amount of energy was released throwing a lot of matter. That was a positive concept until in 1928 when a scientist named Paul Dirac first brought the modern concept of antimatter. This made the scientist to think and realize that there is antimatter too. Like matter it also possess the mass and possess the charge but it possess the anti particles such as lepton and Byronic. When the collision or the interaction between the particle and antiparticles takes place then it give rise to a new gamma energy which is powerful. They have the same nature and behaviour as possess by the ordinary matter according to a experiment done by the researcher at the past time in General nature. This is also said that during the explosion of big bang matters are produced more than the antimatter though it is only hypothetical.
Now after this how powerful may be this antimatter? Well they are very much powerful than we expected. They need a very much high magnetic field for them to levitate because no air can interact with them as air contain matter and they are very much powerful. They act like a explosive substance having higher potentiality to destroy a lot many of the things. They are very much powerful specially when their electron collide with progestron then they release a huge amount of the energy. If we are able to use this antimatter properly by interacting positron and different anti particles in the body then they has the ability to treat the cancer disease. It was proved to be very useful when experimenting with many people suffering from cancer. Not only this lots many of this advantages has to be discovered.
Researchers and scientists are studying its properties and nature and has concluded many things. Though they are proved to be good and benefits in many cases. Soon finally its mystery will also remain no more mystery.


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