
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The discovery of ninth planet and its tilting effect

It was back in 2005 when Dr.Michael Brown discovered many other planets which was beyond the Neptune and the size was similar to the Pluto. He then discard Pluto from the solar system because it was very difficult to entry all that other planets in the solar system and was easy to discard Pluto so he discard Pluto. Now in 2016 the new planet is being found far beyond the Neptune. It has been estimated that this planet has a mass 10 times greater than the earth. It is very much far from sun and is considered to be a cold planet. It is the latest discovery so this planet haven't been named it is commonly also called planet X.
Now lets talk about its discoveries. How was it discovered? In solar system all the planets revolved around the sun in a definite orbit. Soon the researcher observed that some of the objects beyond the Neptune were not moving on a circular elliptical they were all swing around another body. This belt is known to be kuiper belt. Previously the researcher noticed it about it. They were researched and were noticed if any unusual behaviour occurs from the last previous time. Finally it was solved. The massive planet has a large gravitational field due to which the object which are beyond the reach of Sun's gravitational field has been pulled to that massive planets gravitational field. Now the research has shown a new facts upon the tilting of the sun. Yes the sun is tilted to around 6 degree from its normal position. The scientist and professor has given some opinion about the sun tilting. It may be due to the interaction of the magnetic field of the planet nine and the sun due to which it tilt by some angle. Whereas in the words of another researcher he has said that the planet nine is very massive due to which its strength with which it moves generally called as momentum is very high and possess a high level energy bar producing torque for the entire solar energy that may have affect the sun.
The researchers are heading onto this project. All the thing that need to be done is proof by calculation.


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