
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ebola symptoms detail explain 2017

Ebola also known by its scientific name EVOV is a very serious disease. This disease was first discovered in the year 1976 in the Sudan region and Congo region according to the census by WHO. This disease was latterly discovered or took its form in the year 2014 from west Africa then by took a serious form in most of the american and African countries. It is a very dangerous disease and about 950 people have lost their lives from this disease. This disease is caused by a virus from the family filoviridae and that have caused many severe disease but this disease is too serious. About 90% of the people under treatment has been died by the effect of the virus. In the very first beginning this disease was found in a person from the west Africa. It is said that this disease is transferred by the animals to the humans and non primitive animals like monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee. The first person has this disease due to attack of bat. Then it is transfer from one person to another person in a very fast and short period of time.
      This disease is simply transferred by the mucus or body fluid of the infected person if one has some injuries, broken skin or mucous membrane then it is transferred to another person through blood stream.  The incubation period of this disease ranges from 2 to 21 days by the time the virus enters into the body of the person. The symptoms of Ebola are as follows:
1.  The major symptom of this disease is the hemorrhagic fever that means the infected person will bleed excessively both inward and outward.
2. The infected person may have some of the discomfort they may feel sick along with sore throat and headache accompanied by muscle pain and fatigueness.
       This symptoms occur when the virus attacks the T- lymphocytes of the person.
      Now after this symptoms lets talk about its preventive measures since it is a viral disease so no medicine has been developed against it. Some of the preventive measures of this disease are as follows.
1. Since this disease is communicable so one should avoid to visiting that outbreak territories.
2. The remains and the funeral ceremonies should not be done of Ebola infected person.
3. Hands should be frequently washed.
4. Eating of raw meat should be avoided. The meat should be properly cooked.
5. We should be aware of wild animals and bats.
           This are of the details about Ebola it's symptoms and its preventive measures.


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